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Availability: กรุณาสอบถามค่ะ
Supplied with calibration certificate and transport case
Measuring range
MP 100 : 0 to 1000 Pa • Resolution 1 Pa
MP 101 : 0 to 1000 mmH2O • from 0 to ±200mmH2O Resolution 0,1 mmH2O ; 1 mmH2O beyond
MP 105 : 0 to 500 mBar • Resolution 0.1 mBar
MP 112 : 0 to 2000 mBar • Resolution 1 mBar
MP 120 :
0 to 1000 Pa • Resolution 1 Pa
2 à 40 m/s • Resolution 0.1 m/s
Manometer : Pressure, differential pressure, manual autocalibration, Hold function, min/max. values
Choice of units
MP 100 : Pa, mmH2O, In Wg, DaPa
MP 101 : KPa, mmH2O, In Wg, mBar, mmHg, DaPa
MP 105 : KPa, In Wg, mBar, mmHg, PSI
MP 112 : KPa, In Wg, mBar, mmHg, PSI, bar
MP 120 : Pa, mmH2O, In Wg, daPa, m/s, fpm, km/h *** วัดลมซื้อ Pitot tube เพิ่ม
วัดความเร็วลม ที่อุณหภูมิ สูงสุด 1,000C